Quick tips: Design and edit in Word for Windows
Change page layout
Select Layout.
Select an option:
Breaks, Line Numbers, Hyphenation

Use Styles
Use Styles to apply a consistent font, font size, font color, and spacing throughout your document.
Select the words, paragraph, list, or table that you want to apply a style to.
Select Home > Styles, and select the style you want.

Check spelling
Word for the web automatically checks spelling and misspelled words have a red squiggly underline.
Right-click the word and review the suggestion.
Select a correction, select Ignore All.

Track and review changes
To track changes, select Review, then in the Tracking section select Track Changes.
To find and review changes in the document, in the Tracking section select Next.
This will take you to the next change it will find in the document.
Right click the change and then select Accept to keep the change, or
Reject to remove it.
Select Next to find additional changes in the document.

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