Activity feed basics

The activity feed is a summary of everything that's happened across Teams, from chat and channel @mentions to meeting invites and cancellations.

  1. Select Activity Activity button in the top left of Teams to view your Activity feed.

  2. Select More Filters  Meeting options icon at the top right corner of the feed. Enter names or keywords to find specific messages.​​​​​​​

  • Select the Unread button to view only unread messages and items.

  • Select More options Microsoft Teams more options icon to mark all notifications as read, or to access notification settings.

When a red circle appears next to Activity Activity button, you have a notification in your feed. These notifications remain in your feed for 30 days. After that they expire and no longer show in your feed.

Activity button with two notifications

Activity feed symbols

We attached unique symbols to different types of notifications in your feed. That way, you can look through your feed and prioritize based on the following:

At mention button

@mentions of you specifically.

Teams button

@team mentions for teams you're on.

Channel mention button

@channel mentions in teams you're on.

Reply button

Replies to your posts.

Like button

Posts you liked.

Add people to team button

You were added to a team.

Team owner button

You were made a team owner.

Trending button

Trending posts.

Suggested Feed Item Button

Suggested posts. 

Teams Calendar tab icon

Meeting invite or update.

Forward button

Meeting forward

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