Any time you receive a call in Microsoft Teams, you’ll hear a ringtone. If you’re busy working in a different app, press Alt+Tab to refocus on Teams (or Command+Tab if you’re working on a Mac). If you’re actively working in Teams, you’re just one keystroke away from answering or declining your call. Here’s what to do.

For Windows:

  • If you’re working in the desktop app, press Alt+R to answer a call or Alt+Shift+R to decline it.

  • For those of you working in the web app on Windows, press Ctrl+Alt+R to answer a call and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R to decline.

For Mac:

  • To answer a call in the desktop app, press Ctrl+R. To decline a call from the desktop app, press Ctrl+Shift+R.

  • If you’re working in the web app, press Ctrl+Command+R to answer a call and Ctrl+Command+Shift+R to decline.

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