As a Viva Pulse author, you can respond to the text responses that you receive in your Pulse reports and have a one-on-one conversation with the respondent. You won't know who you're having a conversation with because their identifiable data is removed from the conversation. The respondant is notified that their identity is hidden from the author.

This feature can help the Pulse author understand and gather further context behind the open text responses that they receive as part of their Pulse requests. 

Note: This feature is only available for Pulse requests that were sent after September 1, 2024. 

Start a new conversation in a Pulse report 

  1. As a Pulse author, you can view the option to respond to a new open text response by selecting the conversation icon next to it.

  2. A panel on the right opens with the highlighted open text response and a message box for you to draft a message and start a new conversation.

  3. Draft the message and select Submit

  4. The Pulse participant who shared that open text response is now notified via email and Teams chat that they have a new conversation. 


  • When the first conversation is started, the report is automatically shared with all the participants. You can select to share the survey results and post the message.

  • Even though the report is shared with all the participants, the conversation is visible only to you and the user who shared the open text response. It is not visible to all the shared report viewers.

Image showing how a Pulse author can start a new conversation in Pulse reports

Respond to a Pulse conversation 

  1. If an author has started a conversation with you, you can select the Go to conversation link in your email notification to open the Pulse report.

  2. You can view the message from the survey author and the open text response that you had provided as part of the Pulse request.

  3. Draft your message response and select Submit to send the message response back to the author.

  4. The pulse author is now notified via email and Teams activity feed about the message response for a conversation that they had initiated.

  5. Author and the participant can respond to their messages. Both will be notified when a new message response is posted.

Image showing how Pulse participants can respond to conversations in Pulse reports

Delete a Pulse conversation message

Viva Pulse administrators can delete any message which belongs to conversation in a Pulse report. To delete a message, administrators can navigate to the Pulse report and select the delete icon next to the message. 

Note: Once deleted, messages cannot be recovered by the Pulse author or the Viva Pulse admin. 

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View and share feedback results as a feedback author

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