Video: Print notes or use Presenter view
Applies To
PowerPoint 2013
To refer to your notes as you present, you can either print them as notes pages, or use Presenter view on your laptop, which displays the notes in the Notes area.
Print notes pages with slide thumbnails
Note that you can print only one notes page per printed page.
Click FILE > Print.
Under Printer, choose the printer you want.
Under Settings, next to Full Page Slides, click the down arrow, and under Print Layout, click Notes Pages.
Click Print.
Print notes pages without slide thumbnails
Note that you can print only one notes page per printed page.
Click VIEW > Notes Page to open each slide in the Notes Page view.
Delete the slide thumbnail from each notes page. On each notes page, click the slide thumbnail, and then press Delete. This doesn’t delete the slides from your presentation; it just deletes the slide thumbnails from your notes pages.
Click FILE > Print.
Under Printer, choose the printer you want.
Under Settings, next to Full Page Slides, click the down arrow, and under Print Layout, click Notes Pages. Click Print.
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Create and print speaker notes
To refer to your notes as you present, you can either print them as Notes Pages, or use the Presenter view on your laptop, which displays the notes in the Notes area, here.
To print notes, either for yourself, or as an audience handout, click FILE, Print to open the print view.
In the Print options, look for the Page Layout button to select the type of layout to print. Click its arrow.
Under Print Layout, click Notes Pages.
You see a notes page in the preview.
Click the Next Page arrow to click through the notes pages, and make sure they look as you expect for printing.
I'll drag the scroll bar up to return to the first page.
At the bottom of the screen, click this arrow to choose a color option for the printout.
If you are connected to a color printer, then Color will be an option here.
If you don't need to print in color, choose one of the black and white options, such as Grayscale.
Also, be mindful of the headers and footers on the notes page preview.
I'll Zoom in, so these are more visible.
There is the date header and the page number footer.
If you want to edit these, click Edit Header & Footer, down here at the very bottom.
Change options in the dialog box, and click Apply to All.
We'll click Cancel for now.
When you are ready to print, click Print.
For in-depth coverage of print options, including how to print your notes in Word, see the course summary at the end of this course.
Now, if you want to use the Presenter view as you present, you can refer to your notes within the view, while your audience sees only the slide.
In Presenter view, you see the slide that is currently being displayed here, and the Speaker Notes here.
Slide 2, which appears next, shows here.
Click the right arrow to advance to the next slide.
And now I'll discuss Slide 2, referring to my notes here.
There is no limit to the length of the notes.
I can make the notes area larger by pointing to an edge and dragging the two-headed arrow cursor up, or to the side.
To make the text larger, click the large 'A' button. And to make it smaller, click the small 'A' button.
To use the Presenter view, click the SLIDE SHOW tab and make sure Use Presenter View is checked.
If your laptop has multiple monitor capability, just connect it to a projector, and click the Slide Show button.
Your laptop will show the Presenter view while the projector shows the Slide Show view.
To open Presenter view for a practice run-through without a projector or second monitor, click Slide Show, then right-click, and click Show Presenter View.
As you rehearse, if you want to change your notes, you'll need to return to Normal editing view to do so.
Press Esc to close the Presenter view and make your change.
Then, reopen the Presenter view to continue.
Now you have the essential tools for using Speaker Notes as you present.
For more information, see the course summary, and experiment some more with PowerPoint.