Video: Add headers and footers to slides
Applies To
PowerPoint 2013
Apply headers and footers to slides, see how to apply settings, then customize the header and footer settings for the title slide.
Show footer information on your slides
You can add information like a presentation title or the words ‘Company Confidential’ to the bottom of your slides. You can also add things like the date and time, and slide numbers.
Click INSERT > Header & Footer.
On the Slide tab, check Footer.
In the box below Footer, type the text that you want, such as the presentation title.
Check Date and time to add that to your slides.
Check Slide number to add that to your slides.
To stop the footer from appearing on the title slide, check Don't show on title slide.
Click Apply to All. Or, if you want the footer information only on the selected slide, click Apply instead of Apply to All.
Want more?
In our Contoso Pharmaceuticals presentation, we are ready to add headers and footers.
We want slide numbers everywhere, but on the title slide, and we want the date only on the title slide. How do we do that?
To review our options, let’s click INSERT, Header & Footer. In the Header and Footer dialog box, the Slide tab is selected.
Note this option: Don’t show on title slide. This allows me to make an exception for the title slide.
So, I’ll check everything I want for all the other slides: Slide number and Footer, where I’ll type the company’s web address.
I’ll click Don’t show on title slide, and then Apply to All, to apply these choices everywhere else.
The title slide is unaffected and the slide number and footer appear on the other slides.
Let’s Zoom In for a better view. I don’t really like the green color for the footer — it’s hard to see.
But that is a formatting issue, and we’ll deal with that in Movie 3.
I’ll zoom back out.
To apply what we want on the title slide, we’ll select that slide, and click Header & Footer.
Now, the effect of the option Don’t show on title slide is to clear all the check boxes for the title slide.
A way around that is to choose what I want for the title slide and click Apply, which affects only the selected slide.
So, I’ll check Date and time, leave it set to Update automatically, and select a date format.
The formats include Just the date, The date and time, or Just the time. I’ll choose a Simple date.
I’d also like to include the text footer, the web address, on the title slide. So, I’ll check Footer.
Last, we’ll uncheck Don’t show on title slide and click Apply.
The date and the text footer appear, but not the slide number. That’s what we want.
Note that the vertical formatting here is determined by the layout for this title slide.
The other slides are unaffected by my choices for the title slide.
We now have two sets of options applied. When I select the title slide and click Header & Footer to open the dialog box, I see the selections I made for this slide, the date and footer.
As long as I click Apply, rather than Apply to All, the settings here affect only the title slide.
When I select Slide 2 and click Header & Footer, I see the selections I have applied to all the other slides, the slide number and footer.
If I make a change here, such as unchecking the Footer box, and click Apply to All the footer disappears from the slides, and the change also applies to the title slide, which now shows a slide number and nothing else.
I’ll need to reopen the Header & Footer dialog box for the title slide, reselect what I want for that slide, and click Apply.
Up next: Edit headers and footers on the slide master.