Quickly identify and alert staff about medical outbreaks
Applies ToExcel 2021 Outlook 2021 Excel 2019 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Microsoft Teams

When there’s a suspected outbreak, moving quickly and accurately is critical. You need to assess exposure and how to resolve the situation. Once a resolution plan is secured, it must be immediately communicated to all stakeholders in the organization. Affected teams, departments, and individuals must be able to access the remediation documentation and act on it before it spreads. 

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Use Excel Quick Analysis to analyze recent patient records and identify health trends during a possible outbreak. Visual charts help easily highlight risk variables and secure stakeholder sign off on the level of impact and immediacy required to act. 

Arrange meetings using Outlook and set up a channel for you and your colleagues in Microsoft Teams. Use chat and video calling to share findings and respond to the situation together. Advisors can simultaneously coauthor a formal action plan in Teams, which is automatically saved to SharePoint. 

Alert your patient care team when your report is finalized with a Microsoft 365 Groups shared inbox. Each Microsoft 365 Group connects to a shared OneNote notebook to ensure whatever you communicate automatically syncs across devices. Use the notebook to share discoveries about the spreading illness to protect your team and your patients.


  • Analyze patient records to identify those who are the most at risk.

  • Share findings and consult with industry experts to assess the threat of illness and exposure.

  • Coauthor formal reports and action plans.

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Microsoft 365 and healthcare

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