Applies ToTeams Microsoft Teams
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Try it!

Join a Microsoft Teams meeting from your calendar, or sign in as a guest on the web.

Join a Teams meeting from the app

  1. Go to your Teams calendar.

  2. Find a meeting and select Join.

  3. From the pre-join screen:

    1. Turn on your camera

    2. Select Effects and avatars to choose a background effect.

    3. Choose your audio settings.

  4. Select Join now.

Join a Teams meeting on the web

Don't have the Teams app? You can still join a Teams meeting.

  1. In your email invite, select Join the meeting now.

    You can also use a dial-in number and conference ID from the email to call in.

  2. You have three choices:

    • Download the Windows app: Download the Teams desktop app.

    • Continue on this browser: Join a Teams meeting on the web.

    • Open your Teams app: If you already have the Teams app, go right to your meeting.

  3. Type your name.

  4. Choose your audio and video settings.

  5. Select Join now.

  6. Depending on meeting settings, you'll get in right away, or go to a lobby where someone in the meeting will admit you.

Want more?

Join a meeting in Teams

Call in to a meeting in Teams

Manage meetings

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