Mistakes happen. Fortunately, you can edit or delete the messages sent in Teams. 

Edit a sent message

You can edit any message that you have sent to a chat or channel.

  1. Hover over the message and select Edit Edit menu pencil icon.

  2. Edit your message, then select Done Teams confirm message edit to save the update.

There's no limit to how many times you can make changes to a sent message.

Delete a sent message

If you need to backtrack and delete something you just sent, go to the message and select More options More options button > Delete.

If you haven't sent the message yet, select Format Expand button to expand the box and then select Delete Delete button in the upper right-hand corner.

Undo a deleted message

Go to the deleted message and select Undo.

Note: If you can't edit or delete sent messages, it may be due to settings set by your IT admin. Contact your IT admin for more details.

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