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The fastest way to create a basic web hyperlink on a PowerPoint slide is to press Enter after you type the address of an existing webpage (such as

You can link to a webpage, or you can link to a new document or a place in a existing document, or you can begin a message to an email address.

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48 seconds

Link to a website

  1. Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.

  2. Select Insert > Link > Insert Link.

  3. Select Existing File or Web Page, and add the:

    • Text to display: Type the text that you want to appear as hyperlink.

    • ScreenTip: Type the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink (optional).

    • Current FolderBrowsed Pages, or Recent Files: Select where you want to link to.

    • Address: If you haven't already selected a location above, insert the URL for the web site you want to link to.

      If you link to a file on your computer, and move your PowerPoint presentation to another computer, you'll also need to move any linked files.

  4. Select OK.

Link to a place in a document, new document, or email address

  1. Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.

  2. Select Insert > Link > Insert Link and select an option:

    • Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation.

    • Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another presentation.

    • E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email program.

  3. Fill in the Text to displayScreenTip, and where you want to link to.

  4. Select OK.

Change the color of a hyperlink

You can change the color of a hyperlink if you like. If you want to change the display text of a link, right-click it and select Edit Link.

  1. Select the hyperlink you want to re-color.

  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, select down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors.

    Select down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors
  3. Select the color you want for the hyperlink.

Test the hyperlink

Once you've inserted the link, you can test it (in Normal view) by right-clicking the hyperlink and selecting Open Hyperlink

Show and return

The Show and return box is grayed out unless you are linking to a Custom Show in your presentation.

If you're a Microsoft 365 subscriber and want to use a feature like show and return, click here to read about linking to another slide by using Zoom for PowerPoint, and see the "Choose to return" feature discussed near the end of that article.

See Also

Remove the underline from hyperlink text

Change the color of hyperlink text throughout a presentation

Bookmark a slide and link to it from elsewhere in the presentation

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