Clipchamp saves your video editing progress every 5 seconds while you are making changes to a project. It requires a working internet connection to do this.
If you don't have a working internet connection, Clipchamp will show a warning message and back up project changes to your local cache until a connection is available again. However, this data can be lost if the cache is overwritten or emptied.
If you see an older version of your project when you reopen it, this might be because a loss of network connection prevented Clipchamp from saving your changes. If this is the case, it will not be possible to retrieve them again.
Please check that your network connection is active before closing a Clipchamp video you are working on to avoid this problem.
If you are not experiencing any network connection problems, but are still losing editing progress, contact our support team and let them know about the issue.
For related reading, see: