Surface Headphones update history
Applies ToSurface Headphones Surface Headphones 2

To check which version of headphones you have, visit Which version of Surface Headphones do I have?

Surface accessories will receive driver and firmware updates until the date listed in the Surface accessories driver and firmware lifecycle.

To keep your Surface Headphones 2 performing their best, make sure that you have the latest firmware updates.

How to get updates

Use the Surface Audio app (on Android and iOS devices) or Surface app (on Windows 10/11 PCs) to install the latest firmware for your Surface Headphones. To learn how, see Update Surface Headphones.


  • Firmware updates can’t be uninstalled or reverted to an earlier version.

  • When you install the latest update, you'll also get all the previous updates if your Surface Headphones don't have them already.

Improvements and fixes in the updates

September 2020 Updates 

September 04 release 

The following update is available for Surface Headphones 2. 

Firmware version

Update info

Update to support Spanish and Italian Language packs.

Additional steps for Surface Headphones 2

We are listening, and quality is a top priority. We want to let you know about additional information and steps that may be required after installing the latest update.

  • Currently, there are no additional steps to perform after installing the update.

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