Applies ToWord 2013
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Watermarks are text or pictures that appear on the background of a document, typically on every page. It's easy to add one in Word. On the DESIGN tab, click Watermark, and select one from the gallery.

Insert a watermark

Watermarks are text or pictures placed behind the document text. They can mark the document’s status as Draft, Confidential, etc., brand it with a logo, or just make it look better.

  1. Click VIEW > Print Layout.

  2. Click DESIGN > Watermark.

  3. Apply one of the built-in watermarks in the watermark gallery, search for one online, or click Custom Watermark to create your own from text or a picture.

Change a watermark

  1. Click DESIGN > Watermark.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Choose a different pre-designed watermark, such as Confidential or Urgent, from the gallery of watermarks.

    • To change pictures, click Custom Watermark, and then click Select Picture.

    • To change picture settings, click Custom Watermark, and then select, or clear the options Picture watermark.

    • To change text, click Custom Watermark, and then select a different built-in phrase or type in your own phrase.

    • To change text settings, click Custom Watermark, and then select or clear the options that you want under Text watermark.

Remove a watermark

To remove a watermark, under DESIGN, in the Page Background group, click Watermark > Remove Watermark. If that doesn’t work, the watermark was applied to a specific section of the document. Double-click to open the header area of any page the watermark is on, click the watermark, and click Delete.

Want more?

Insert or change a watermark

Add a "Draft" watermark to your document

Add a picture as a background watermark

Move a watermark

Remove a watermark

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