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Add a background when you want a graphical element, such as a company logo or a watermark, to appear on more than one drawing page.

Create a background page

  1. Select the page that you want to add a background to.

  2. Select Design > Backgrounds, and select a background style.

    Visio creates a new background page called VBackground-X.

  3. Right-click the background page tab, select Rename, type in a new name for the page, and press Enter.

Modify a background page

  • Select the background page, and add, remove, or edit the shapes and text on the page.

Apply an existing background to a page

  1. Select the page you want to add a background to.

  2. Select Design.

  3. In the Page Setup group, select the More arrow.

  4. Select Page Properties.

  5. Select a background page from the Backgrounds list, and select OK.

    Screenshot of Page Setup > Page Properties with Verve Background selected from the Background drop down

    Note: Backgrounds work best when they are the same size as the foreground page.

Remove or replace a background

  1. Select the page you want to remove the background from.

  2. Select Design > Backgrounds > No Background.

  3. If you'd like to remove a background in a printed version of your drawing, select File > Print > Print All Pages > No Background.

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Add a background or watermark in Visio

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