Add and use web parts in a SharePoint space
Applies ToSharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 admin SharePoint admin center

Note: The SharePoint spaces feature is planned for deprecation ​​​​​​​starting March 2025. We recommend exploring Microsoft Mesh for new Immersive 3D content in M365.

Web parts are containers that hold different types of content in the space. Different web parts are available for 360°, 3D, and 2D content.

Check out this video to learn how to add web parts to a space, and read the steps below for more details.

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In this article

Add a web part

1.  If you're not already in edit mode, at the top right of your space, select Edit. On the canvas, select the circled + icon.

2.  Select the type of web part you'd like to add.

webpart menu

3.  Click to place it anywhere on the structure (floor). In the pane that opens, select the file you'd like to use, and then select Open. This adds the web part to the space.

4.  If you want to change the file you added, in the space, select the web part, and then select the pencil icon. This opens the property pane.

Pencil icon

5.  To change the file, select Change object (type of content).

Change object UI

Note: When adding content to your space, store it in the site which has appropriate permissions for your audience. This ensures that when you share it, viewers will have permissions to view the content.

Duplicate a web part

There are two ways to duplicate a web part.

Using the keyboard command:

  • Select the web part.

  • Press Ctrl + D to duplicate the web part

Using the menu:

  • Select the web part.

  • Select the Duplicate icon.

3D model webpart showing a bicycle with edit, duplicate, and delete icons

Set the size of a web part

There are two ways you can set the size of a web part while editing.

Using the bounding box:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Click + drag any of the square handles of the blue bounding box.

Using the transform bar:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Enter a numeric value.

  3. To increase/decrease the value, you can also press + hold (or single click) each of the arrow keys.

Bounding box scale UI

Scale UI

Tip: 1.00 = 1 meter.

Set the angle of a web part

There are two ways you can set the angle of a web part while editing.

Using the bounding box:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Click in the center of the web part + drag it around the structure (floor). The web part rotates around a central point.

Using the transform bar:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Enter a numeric value.

  3. To increase/decrease the value, you can also press + hold (or single click) each of the arrow keys.

Click and drag for angle

Angle UI

Tip: 0° is straight in front of the camera.

Set the distance of a web part

There are two ways you can set the distance of a web part from the user (or camera) while editing.

Using the bounding box:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Using the mouse wheel, or keyboard command PgUp, crane the camera position up, so that you are looking at the structure (floor) from a top down view.

  3. Click in the center of the web part + drag it around the platter (floor).

Using the transform bar:

  1. Enter a numeric value.

  2. To increase/decrease the value, you can also press + hold (or single click) each of the arrow keys.

Distance from user top down view

Distance from user UI

Tip: 1.00 = 1 meter. About 1.5 meters is a comfortable viewing distance.

Set the height of a web part

There are two ways you can set the height of a web part while editing.

Using the bounding box:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Using the mouse wheel, or, keyboard command PgDn, crane the camera position down, so that you are at eye level with the environment.

  • Click in the center of the web part and + drag it up and down.

Using the transform bar:

  1. Enter a numeric value.

  2. To increase/decrease the value, you can also press + hold (or single click) each of the arrow keys.

Bounding box

Height UI

Tip: 1.00 = 1 meter.

Set the rotation of a web part

There are two ways you can set the rotation of a web part while editing.

Using the bounding box:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Click + drag the round handles of the blue bounding box.

Using the transform bar:

  1. Select the web part.

  2. Type a numeric value.

  3. You can also press + hold (or single click) each of the arrow keys to increase/decrease the value.

Rotation bounding box

Rotation UI




More information

Remove a web part from a SharePoint space

View and navigate a SharePoint space

SharePoint spaces: recommendations and best practices

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