Applies ToAzure Local, version 21H2

Release Date:



OS Build 20348.380

11/9/2021 IMPORTANT Because of minimal operations during the holidays and the upcoming Western new year, there won’t be a preview release (known as a “C” release) for the month of December 2021. There will be a monthly security release (known as a “B” release) for December 2021. Normal monthly servicing for both B and C releases will resume in January 2022. 

Improvements and fixes

This non-security update includes quality improvements. Key changes include:    

  • Addresses an issue that affects the opening of the SearchFilterHost.exe process.

  • Adds support for the cancellation of daylight savings time for the Republic of Fiji for 2021.

  • Addresses an issue that fails to apply machine Group Policy objects automatically at startup or in the background to devices on a domain that have certain processors.

  • Adds the option to configure an Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) maximum transmission unit (MTU) that is less than 576 bytes on an interface.

  • Addresses an issue in DxDiag that fails to show the correct logical core count for devices that have 64 or more logical cores.

  • Addresses an issue that incorrectly renders some variable fonts.

  • Addresses an issue that displays glyphs at the wrong angle when you use the Meiryo UI font and other vertical fonts. These fonts are frequently used in Japan, China, or other countries in Asia.

  • Enables onunload events to create pop-up windows in Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer mode.

  • Addresses an issue that affects predictive pre-rendering in Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer mode.

  • Addresses an issue that occurs when a dialog opens within Internet Explorer.

  • Addresses an issue that causes Internet Explorer to stop working when using the Input Method Editor (IME) to insert elements.

  • Addresses an issue that affects the UI for renaming files when using folder view in File Explorer. The UI fails to properly handle inline composition when using the new Japanese IME.

  • Addresses a memory leak in ctfmon.exe that occurs when you switch between different edit clients.

  • Addresses a known issue that causes error codes 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 when connecting to a remote printer that is shared on a Windows print server.

  • Addresses an issue that might cause the return value of GetCommandLineA() to be lowercase in some developer scenarios.

  • Addresses an issue that causes Windows Defender Application Control to incorrectly compare two file version numbers.

  • Addresses an issue that causes the AltGr key to stop working if a remote desktop client is running or if RemoteApp was disconnected.

  • Addresses an issue that prevents your device from starting up, and it becomes unresponsive because of licensing API calls.

  • Addresses an issue that affects NTFS when you enable the update sequence number (USN) journal. NTFS performs unnecessary actions each time it performs a write operation, which affects I/O performance.

  • Addresses an issue that incorrectly returns the “STATUS_DISK_FULL” message in scenarios in which a volume decreases.

  • Addresses a known issue that might prevent apps, such as Kaspersky apps, from opening after you attempt to repair or update the apps using the Microsoft Installer (MSI).

  • Addresses a known issue that might cause smart card authentication to fail when you connect to devices in an untrusted domain using Remote Desktop. You might receive the prompt, "Your credentials did not work. The credentials that were used to connect to [device name] did not work. Please enter new credentials." The text, "The login attempt failed" might appear in red color.

To return to the Azure Stack HCI documentation site

Windows 10 servicing stack update - 20348.371

This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. Servicing stack updates (SSU) ensure that you have a robust and reliable servicing stack so that your devices can receive and install Microsoft updates.

Known issues in this update



After installing this or later updates, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint might fail to start or run on devices with a Windows Server Core installation. 

Note This issue does not affect Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Windows 10.

This issue is resolved in KB5008223.

After installing this update, text input using a Japanese IME might be entered out of order or the text cursor might move unexpectedly in apps that use the multibyte character set (MBCS). This issue affects both the Microsoft Japanese IME and third-party Japanese IMEs.

This issue is resolved in KB5009555.

How to get this update

Before installing this update

Microsoft now combines the latest servicing stack update (SSU) for your operating system with the latest cumulative update (LCU). For general information about SSUs, see Servicing stack updates and Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently Asked Questions.

To install the LCU on your Azure Stack HCI cluster, see Update Azure Stack HCI clusters.


You must install KB5005039, dated August 10, 2021, before installing the LCU.

Install this update

Release Channel


Next Step

Windows Update and Microsoft Update


Go to Settings Update & Security > Windows Update. In the Optional updates available area, you’ll find the link to download and install the update.

Windows Update for Business


None. These changes will be included in the next security update to this channel.

Microsoft Update Catalog


To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)


You can import this update into WSUS manually. See the Microsoft Update Catalog for instructions.

If you want to remove the LCU

To remove the LCU after installing the combined SSU and LCU package, use the DISM/Remove-Package command line option with the LCU package name as the argument. You can find the package name by using this command: DISM /online /get-packages.

Running Windows Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe) with the /uninstall switch on the combined package will not work because the combined package contains the SSU. You cannot remove the SSU from the system after installation.

File Information

For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update 5007254.

For a list of the files that are provided in the servicing stack update, download the file information for the SSU - version 20348.371

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