Applies ToSharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise SharePoint in Microsoft 365 SharePoint Foundation 2013

After you add a list of tasks to your site, you may want to change the way they are structured in the task list. You can indent or outdent a task, move a task up or down in the list, or permanently delete a task from the list.

You may want some tasks to be indented below others, to indicate a set of subtasks that fall under a larger task in your project. There are two ways to do this:

  • Indent and Outdent buttons    Click the space to the left of the check box for the task you are indenting or outdenting, or press Ctrl and click the space to the left of the check box to select multiple tasks. Then, on the Tasks tab, in the Hierarchy group, click Indent or Outdent.

  • Keyboard shortcuts    With the task selected, press Alt+Shift+Right Arrow to indent the task, or Alt+Shift+Left Arrow to outdent the task.

Tip:  You can also indent tasks as subtasks when you are creating them. In the task list, click Open Menu (…) for the task that you want to use as the parent task for the subtask you are adding. On the box that appears, click Create Subtask.

You can also move tasks up and down in the task list. There are three ways to do this:

  • Drag    Click the space to the left of the check box for the task you are moving. The cursor turns into a four-way arrow. Click and drag the task to the location in the task list where you want the task listed. The task list must be open for editing to use this method.

  • Move Up and Move Down buttons    Click the space to the left of the check box, to the check mark, for the task you are moving. On the Tasks tab, in the Hierarchy group, click Move Up or Move Down to move the task within the list.

  • Keyboard shortcuts    Select the task that you want to move, and then press Alt+Shift+Up Arrow to move the task up in the list, or press Alt+Shift+Down Arrow to move the task down in the list. The task list must be open for editing to use this method.

If you decide that you no longer need a task as part of your project, you can delete the task from your task list. There are three ways to do this:

  • Keyboard shortcuts    Select the task(s) you want to remove, and then press Delete. The task list must be open for editing to use this method.

  • Delete Item button    Click the space to the left of the check box, or the check mark, for the task you are removing, or press Ctrl and click the space to the left of the check box to select multiple tasks. Then, on the Tasks tab, in the Manage group, click Delete Item.

  • Open Menu    Click Open Menu (…) for the task you are removing, and then, on the box that appears, click Open Menu (…) again. Click Delete Item .

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