This article is for people who use a screen reader program such as Windows Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Windows tools or features and Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Accessibility help & learning content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support.

Use the Microsoft Shifts app in Microsoft Teams with your keyboard and a screen reader to quickly do all essential basic tasks, such as checking out your shifts, switching between different views, importing a schedule, and managing requests. We have tested it with Narrator, JAWS, and NVDA, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques.


In this topic

Open the Shifts app

  1. To open the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab until you hear "App bar," then press the Down arrow key until you hear "More added apps," and then press Enter. The apps pop-up window opens, with the focus on the Search for apps search box.

  2. Type Shifts, and then press Enter.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear "Shifts," and then press Enter. The Shifts app opens.

Check your shifts

  1. When you open the Shifts app, it lists your shifts for the current week.

    Note: If you’re a manager or admin, the app instead lists everyone’s shifts for the current week.

  2. To change the display to either the current day or month, press the Tab key until you hear "Schedule view options," press the Right arrow key until you hear "Calendar type," press the Up or Down arrow key until you hear "Day" or "Month," and then press Enter.

  3. To browse through your assigned shifts for the chosen time period, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab.

Manage requests

On the Requests tab of the Shifts app, you can make requests and answer requests others made to you. You can request time off, request to swap shifts with another user, and offer a given shift to a user.

  1. Press the Tab key or Shift+Tab until you hear "Shifts header," then press the Right arrow key until you hear "Requests," and then press Enter.

  2. To add a new request, press the Tab key until you hear "Create a new request," and then press Enter.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To request time off, press the Tab key until you hear "Start date," press Enter, and then select the date using the date picker. Then press the Tab key until you hear "End date," press Enter, and then select the date using the date picker. Next, to select a reason for the time off, press the Tab key until you hear "Reason," press Enter to open the dropdown menu, and then press Enter to select it.

    • To request a shift swap, press the Right arrow key until you hear "Swap," and then press Enter. To select the shift that you want to swap, press the Tab key until you hear "Select your shift," and then press Enter. Select the date in question using the date picker, press the Tab key once, press the Down arrow key until you hear the shift that you want to swap, and then press Enter. Next, press the Tab key until you hear "Select a team member's shift," and then press Enter. Select the date in question using the date picker, then press the Tab key once, and then press the Down arrow key until you hear the shift you want, and then press Enter.

    • To offer your shift to someone else, press the Right arrow key until you hear "Offer," and then press Enter. To select the shift that you want to offer, press the Tab key until you hear "Select your shift," and then press Enter. Select the date in question using the date picker, press the Tab key once, press the Down arrow key until you hear the shift that you want to offer, and then press Enter. Next, press the Tab key until you hear "Select a team member," press Enter once, press the Down arrow key until you hear the person you want, and then press Enter.

  4. To add a note to your request, press the Tab key until you hear "Note," and then enter your note.

  5. To send your request, press the Tab key until you hear "Send request," and then press Enter.

  6. To browse requests pending your approval, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab to go through the requests sent to you. To approve or deny a given request, press the Tab key until you hear either "Accept" or "Deny," and then press Enter.

Import a schedule

You can import an existing schedule into Shifts by using a specially formatted Excel file.

  1. In the Shifts app, create a schedule for the team you want to import the data to. For more information, refer to Use a screen reader to create a schedule in Microsoft Shifts.

  2. Press the Tab key or Shift+Tab until you hear "Shifts header," and then press the Right arrow key until you hear: "More options."

  3. Press Enter to open the dropdown menu, press the Down arrow until you hear "Import a schedule," and then press Enter. The Import a schedule pop-up window opens, with the focus on the "Download sample" link. Press Enter to download the sample file onto your device.

  4. Using Excel, open the sample file and arrange your existing schedule data in the provided format and save it as an Excel file.

  5. When you have formatted the schedule, return to the Import a schedule window, press the Tab key until you hear "Upload file," and then press Enter. The Open dialog box opens. Navigate to the file containing your existing schedule and select it, press the Tab key until you hear "Open," and then press Enter to import the schedule into Shifts.

See also

Use a screen reader to create a schedule in Microsoft Shifts

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Technical support for customers with disabilities

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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