Applies ToOneNote for Microsoft 365 OneNote for the web OneNote 2024 OneNote 2021 OneNote for Windows 10 OneNote 2016 OneNote for iOS

Prevent students from making further edits to a page in your Class Notebook while you're reviewing it, after the due date has passed, or at any time. While a student page is locked, you can view and make comments, but the student will only be able to view the page.

Before you get started, you must be teaching with one of the following versions of OneNote:

  • OneNote 2016 with the February 2018 or later update of the Class Notebook Add-in

  • OneNote for Windows 10 app - See instructions below.

  • OneNote for the web

  • OneNote for iPad - See OneNote for iOS instructions below.

Your students must be using one of the following versions of OneNote for this feature to work on their pages. Please have them check the version they're using with the instructions below:




OneNote 2016 with February 2018 update or later.



OneNote with Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise

Build 9001.1000 or higher

To check, select File > Account and look for the Build number next to the Version number under "About OneNote 2016."

OneNote for Windows 10 app

Version 17.9001.1000 or higher

To check, select the ... ellipses icon in the top right corner, then Settings > About.

OneNote for the web



OneNote for Mac

Version 16.10 or higher

To check, select OneNote from the menu bar, then About OneNote.

OneNote for iOS

Version 16.10 or higher

To check, select the ... ellipses icon, Settings, and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

OneNote for Android

Version 9001.1000 or higher

To check, select the ... ellipses icon, Settings > About.

Lock Class Notebook pages in OneNote 2016

First, make sure you are connected to the internet so your changes will sync with your students' notebooks.

  1. Open OneNote and navigate to the Class Notebook you need to edit.

  2. Select Class Notebook > Review.

  3. Choose the notebook section you're reviewing.

  4. Expand the list of student names underneath the assignment you need to lock.

  5. Select the Lock Pages checkbox to lock this page for all students.Select Lock Pages checkbox. Right-click a student's name to lock a page individually.Right-click a student's name.  

    Tip: Another way to lock pages is to right-click on a page and select Lock Page.

    Select Lock Page. Check the lock status of student pages by hovering over student names:Student page is locked.Page is not locked. To undo page locking, return to the Review pane or right-click a page and select Unlock Page.

Learn more

Review an assignment

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