The Editor browser extension checks for grammar and spelling mistakes in more than 20 languages, and it makes suggestions for refining your writing, like making your writing more formal or more concise. Get more from Editor – your intelligent writing assistant.

Latest updates for Editor

See what's new and updated for Editor in Version 1.0.x

Choose to Ignore spelling and grammar suggestions

Select Ignore all to disregard the spelling suggestions. By selecting this option, Editor won't flag the spelling errors in your writing with squiggles.

Choose Ignore to skip unwanted grammar suggestions for your writing.

Shows Ignore All option for spellchecking in the Editor callout

Write in a different language

Editor checks spelling and grammar in the language (or languages) you've configured for your browser. You can specify your proofing languages by choosing up to three languages in Editor settings. This setting applies to your writing across all websites, regardless of the website's language.

Multi-language settings UI

Thai spellchecking

Editor now supports for spellchecking in Thai.

Website Availability

Editor connects to a Microsoft online service that offers spelling, grammar and style suggestions for your writing on most websites.




  • Arabic

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • Finnish

  • French

  • German

  • Hebrew (not yet available in the desktop Word app)

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Norwegian (Bokmål)

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Thai

  • Turkish

See also 

Microsoft Editor is a connected experience that analyzes your writing and offers suggestions as you type. See our privacy statement

Third-party notices for the Editor browser extension

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