Applies ToOneDrive (work or school) OneDrive (home or personal) OneDrive for Mac OneDrive for Windows

Icons in OneDrive online and OneDrive desktop tell you about a file, its sync or share status, and even about your account. 

  • OneDrive Online Glimmer icon A glimmer mark next to a file in indicates the file is new.

  • OneDrive file status available online cloud icon A blue cloud icon next to your file in File Explorer indicates that it's only available online at

  • In the taskbar on your desktop, a blue cloud  OneDrive Work or School cloud icon means you have OneDrive for work or school synced to your computer. A grey and white cloud  OneDrive Personal cloud icon indicates the same for your OneDrive Personal account.

For more complete info on icons, see What do the OneDrive icons mean?

Tip: To see what an icon means in OneDrive on the desktop, hover your mouse over the icon for a tooltip.  OneDrive desktop file status icon with tooltip

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