Excel for Android tablet is very similar to the Excel you already know. But there are some differences if you are used to using a mouse and keyboard. This video will show you how to get up and running.
Key points in this video
To start typing, double tap a cell, type, and then tap the green check mark:
After typing something, tap Enter to move one cell down.
To put your cursor in an exact spot, double tap a cell, tap anywhere in the cell, and then
tap and drag this: to the exact spot. -
If you need to get rid of the keyboard, tap your tablet's Back button,
which could look like this: or this:
Video transcript
[Introduction music]
Let’s go over some basics to get you started with Excel for Android tablet.
First: some typing tips. To start typing, I tap a cell, tap the formula bar, and then I start typing. When I’m done, I tap the green check mark.
But here's a faster way: Just double tap, type, and then tap the check mark.
And when I need to fill in a bunch of cells: I can press Enter to move to the next row down each time.
When I’m done typing, I tap my tablet’s Back button to hide the keyboard.
My Back button looks like this…but yours might look something like this, depending on your tablet.
One typing tip: Let’s say I need to correct a spelling mistake.
I double tap the cell, tap and hold the slider, drag it to the right spot, and then type in the proper spelling.
Now, I’m going to enter some formulas . I’ll quickly autosum this column…and Excel makes a guess as to what needs to be summed up, and it looks like it guessed right, so I’ll tap the check mark.
But let’s say I want the total out to the side: Excel tries to guess which cells need to be totaled… but it doesn't get it right.
So I'll just drag the handles to get the range I want.
Let’s take a look at formatting: Common formatting options are here. And one of the most popular is Cell Formatting.
I’m gonna set the format to the local currency by tapping Currency.
If I need something different, I can tap this arrow, and find more options.
You can learn a lot more, by just clicking the tabs and exploring. And for more on Office for Android tablet, go to aka.ms/OfficeAndroidTabletVideos