Supported browsers for Outlook on the web and
Applies ToOutlook on the web

Not all web browsers support Outlook on the web or, and some browsers will have problems loading if ad blockers or pop-up blockers are enabled.

Supported browsers

Use the most recent versions of the following browsers for the best experience with Outlook on the web and You’ll have access to the latest features and you’ll get improved security and performance. If you're using an old browser (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge Legacy, New Microsoft Edge<=79, Chrome<=79, Safari <=13.1, Mozilla Firefox< =78, Opera <=76), in later August 2024, you will start seeing error page and ask you to upgrade to securer and newer browser. 

Windows 11: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome

Windows 10: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome

MacOS:  Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari (version 16 or higher), Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome

Linux: and Outlook on the web work in either Firefox or Chrome on Linux, but some features may not be available.

Mobile browser requirements

Most mobile browsers will work with Outlook on the web and Make sure you keep your mobile device and its apps up to date.

  • A phone or tablet with Android 5.0 or later.

  • An iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 14.0 or later.

Unsupported web browsers and plugins

Some browsers will have problems with if ad blockers or pop-up blockers are enabled, specifically:

  • AdBlock

  • Ublock

Learn how to manage browser extensions in Microsoft EdgeInternet ExplorerFirefoxChrome, or Safari.

System requirements

Account requires an active Microsoft account. For help with creating a Microsoft account or signing in, see Microsoft account help.

Minimum operating system

Ideally, you should use the latest operating system available for your device. This will support the most features and provide better security than earlier versions.

  • Windows 11, Windows 10

  • Mac OS X 10.15 or later.

  • Linux: works in both Firefox and Chrome on Linux, but some features may not be available.

  • Windows Server 2016

Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher, or Intel-based Mac computer

Memory: 1 GB of RAM or higher

Resolution: 1024 × 768 minimum

Internet connection: High-speed internet access is recommended.

See also

Which browsers work with Microsoft 365 for the web and Microsoft 365 Add-ins

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