Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016 Access 2013

You can use the SetDisplayedCategories macro action in Access desktop databases to specify which categories are displayed under Navigate to Category in the title bar of the Navigation Pane. For example, if you want to prevent users from switching the Navigation Pane so that it displays objects sorted by Created Date, you can use this action to hide that option in the title bar's drop-down list.


The SetDisplayedCategories macro action has the following arguments.

Action argument



Select Yes to show the category or categories. Select No to hide them.


Enter or select the name of the category you want to show or hide. Leave blank to show or hide all categories.


  • The caption in the title bar of the Navigation pane indicates which filter, if any, is currently active. Click anywhere in the bar to display the drop-down list. The items that this macro action controls are listed under Navigate to Category.

  • This action only enables or disables the display of the specified category or categories; it does not perform any switching of the Navigation Pane display. For example, if you are displaying objects sorted by Creation Date and you use the SetDisplayedCategories macro action to disable the Creation Date option, Access does not switch the Navigation Pane to another category.

  • To run the SetDisplayedCategories macro action in a VBA module, use the SetDisplayedCategories method of the DoCmd object.

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