A SharePoint space environment includes a sky box (background image) and a structure or platform on which you "stand." The environment also includes ambient sounds.
If you have already created a space, do the following to set up your environment:
If you're not already in edit mode, at the top right of your space, select Edit.
Select Space design.
(Required) For your space, enter a Name.
(Optional) Enter a Description.
From the available options, select a Structure, and preview it in your space.
Select one of the following as a Background for your space:
360° image (select from available options)
Custom image (upload your own)
For custom image:
In the file picker, select the 360° image file you'd like to use.
To change the image format, select Image not displaying correctly?.
If the camera you used to capture the 360° image was a single lens camera which was placed on a rig or ring formation to make a circle, select Monoscopic. If the camera you used to capture the 360° image was two cameras for each field of view, select Stereoscopic.
Select your preference for the Height of the 360° image.
Select your preference for the Rotation of the 360° image.
(Optional) To select a Welcome, upload an audio file and Add captionsusing either transcript text or a VTT file.
To select an Ambient sound, select from the available options, or upload an audio file. The ambient sound plays continuously (loop) in the background.
When you're done, to try out your environment selections, select Save as draft, or or Publish if you're ready to make the page visible to your viewers.