Check out the new PowerPoint 2016 training Beginner Apply and change a theme Apply transitions between slides Create speaker notes Create your first PowerPoint 2013 presentation Highlight text and change fonts Print slides, notes, or handouts Use Presenter view Intermediate Backgrounds in PowerPoint Crop a picture to fit a shape Group shapes or pictures Make the switch to PowerPoint 2013 Working with watermarks Work with handout masters Advanced Add a sound effect to a transition Add bullets to text Add headers and footers to a presentation Add sound effects to an animation Animate pictures, clip art, text, and other objects Create a flow chart Create an org chart Create a template from a presentation Design motion paths Insert a bar chart Insert a line chart Insert a pie chart Insert a video from your PC Insert music and time it to your slides Rehearse timings for a slide show Trigger an animation effect Use slide masters to customize a presentation Check out Microsoft 365 Training Center