Applies ToOutlook for Microsoft 365

Last Updated: May 18, 2023


When using Outlook Desktop in M365 with OWA disabled, creating a meeting opens a browser window to an OPX URL path: 

Starting Outlook or creating a new email may open a browser window to an OPX URL path such as: 

Outlook Desktop is leveraging OWA Powered Experiences (OPX) which are not available because OWA has been disabled.  This issue may occur for instances where OPX controls are being used including the new Room Finder and the new Notifications Pane. 


The Outlook Team implemented a fix in Exchange Online service build 15.20.6292.00 that released in mid-April 2023. To check for the fix, use the Connection Status Dialog to confirm the service version. Learn more about the Description of the Connection Status dialog in Outlook.

Update 5/18/23: After the fix was released, some users reported the issue still occurred. After investigating further, it was determined the issue persisted for users that have never signed into OWA. The fix for this secondary issue is now in production as of May 16, 2023.

Prior workaround for the secondary issue that is now resolved:

  1. Enable OWA for the user.

  2. Have the user open OWA and set the Language/Time zone and proceed to open the OWA email page.

  3. Disable OWA for the user.

  4. Test and confirm this mitigated the issue.

Additional resources:

How to revert the Outlook Desktop WebView based Room Finder to the legacy Room Finder

New Notifications pane in Outlook helps you stay on task

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Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Outlook for PC

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