Applies ToOutlook for Microsoft 365 Office for business Microsoft Office New Outlook for Windows

Last Updated: September 19, 2024


If you have deployed new Outlook but did not configure classic Outlook, you may unexpectedly see the Welcome to Outlook 2016 setup wizard.

Welcome to Outlook 2016 window with new Outlook

This issue will occur in the following circumstances: 

  • A MAPI application sends email through Outlook

  • “Share link in Outlook” from an Office application

  • In Windows, right click a file and select Send to -> Mail recipient

This issue occurs because new Outlook does not currently support MAPI integration. Any of the entry points above send the email to classic Outlook and if it is not already configured prompts you with the “Welcome to Outlook 2016” setup wizard.


Until new Outlook adds support for MAPI integration you can install and configure classic Outlook to manage the email coming from the MAPI application. Classic Outlook and New Outlook are supported to run on the same machine.  

If you normally keep classic Outlook closed but want it to be able to automatically send email from the MAPI application, you need to configure classic Outlook to run in Online Mode. To run in Online Mode, disable Cached Mode. For more information, go to Turn on Cached Exchange Mode. If classic Outlook is closed in Cached Mode, the email will not get sent until you manually start classic Outlook.

Additional Resources

Run new Outlook and classic Outlook side-by-side

Create an Outlook profile

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See Also

Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in new Outlook for PC

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