Note: By logging in to Microsoft Teams Free with your Skype account, your chats and contacts will appear in the app so you can pick up where you left off. This capability will gradually roll out to Skype and Teams users on the latest app versions over the coming days.

On May 5, 2025, Skype will be retired. This change will affect both free and paid Skype users.  Skype users have the option to move to Microsoft Teams Free, which offers many of the same core chat and call features as Skype. Teams Free also has enhanced features like hosting meetings, managing calendars, and building and joining communities. By logging in to Teams Free with your Skype account, your chats and contacts will appear in the app so you can pick up where you left off. 

During the transition period (before May 5, 2025), Teams Free users can call and chat with Skype users and Skype users can do the same with Teams Free users. This means you can stay connected with everyone, no matter what app they use.  

Additionally, we will no longer offer paid Skype features to new customers. The Skype Dial Pad will be available starting in May to existing paid users from the Skype web portal and within Teams Free.

Get started on Microsoft Teams Free

In Skype, you will receive a notification which will prompt you to sign in to Microsoft Teams. Select Start using Teams to begin downloading or to open Teams if already installed.

Skype Teams logos with text

If you don’t have the Teams app installed yet, you can download and install it. Alternatively, you can use Teams on the web on desktop.

Purple art with text and Download Teams button

Open the Teams app or Teams on the web to sign in with your Skype account.

Sign in square window with name and password

On the Welcome screen, select Get Started to proceed.

If you don't see the screen to the right with the option to Get started, make sure you are a Skype Insider and have joined Teams Insider through the app settings.

Login screen with Skype and Teams logos

If prompted, verify your profile picture and choose Continue.

You can change your profile name or picture at any time after setup by tapping on your profile on the top-right of Teams.

Skype Teams logo with login fields

If prompted, verify your first name and last name. Select Confirm to continue.

This will be your profile name in Teams and across your other Microsoft 365 apps.

Skype Teams logo with fields confirming name

Your Teams Free account is set up. You can now view your contacts and chat. To learn more about how to calls or chat, we suggest viewing the Learn to use section.

Teams (free) app with tab icons chat page

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For more help, contact support or ask a question in the Microsoft Teams Community.

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