Manage RSS feeds for a site or site collection
Applies ToSharePoint Server Subscription Edition SharePoint Server 2019 SharePoint Server 2016 SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise SharePoint in Microsoft 365 SharePoint Foundation 2013 SharePoint Foundation 2010 SharePoint Server 2010

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way for you to make news, blogs, and other content on a site available to subscribers. When RSS is turned on, it can be managed for site collections, sites, lists, and libraries. Your permissions on the site determine at what level you can manage RSS.

Allow RSS feeds on the site

If your site is part of a Microsoft 365 subscription, RSS feeds are enabled when your site is first created. Note that a site owner can disable RSS for a site, list, or library, and a site collection administrator can disable RSS for an entire site collection.

Before you can manage RSS for a site collection, you need to have site collection administrator permissions and you need to go to the top-level site of the site collection. A quick way to get to the top-level site from a subsite, is to select the Go to top level site settings link on the Site settings page.

Go to top level site settings

  1. On modern communication sites, select Site contents in the top menu bar and then click Site settings. On a modern team site, select Site contents in the left pane, and then click Site settings in the top navigation bar Select Settings Office 365 Settings button and then select Site settings.

    If you don't see Site settings, click Site information and then click View all site settings.

    Tip: If you see the Go to top level site settings link on the Site settings page, you are on a subsite. Select this link to manage RSS for the site collection.

  2. On the Site Settings page, under Site Administration, select RSS.

    Important: The RSS link does not appear on the Site Settings page if RSS support is not enabled for the site collection.


  1. If you are managing RSS for a site, rather than an entire site collection, ignore step 3. Select or clear the Allow RSS feeds in this site collection check box.

    Important: The Site Collection RSS section is available only if you are a site collection administrator and you are on the top-level site.

  2. Select or clear the Allow RSS feeds in this site check box.

  3. In the Advanced Settings section, type optional information to identify copyright, editor, webmaster, and Time To Live information.

  4. Click OK.

Manage RSS feeds for a list or library

When RSS is turned on for a site, you can manage RSS settings for a list or library. When you enable or disable RSS on a site or subsite, this affects whether lists in a subsite are RSS-enabled.

  1. In the list or library, select Library or List, depending on where you want to manage RSS feeds.

    Note: The name of this tab varies, depending on the type of list or library you’re configuring a feed for. For example, for a calendar list, it’s the Calendar tab.

    List Settings button

  2. On the Settings page, under Communications, select RSS settings.

    Important: The RSS settings link does not appear if RSS is not turned on for the site.

  3. In the List RSS section, select whether you want to enable or disable RSS for the list.

  4. In the RSS Channel Information section, select whether you want to reduce multi-line fields to 256 characters. You can type a title, description, and image URL for the channel elements of the RSS feed.

    RSS Channel Information

  5. In the Columns section, you can show or hide columns in the RSS description by selecting the appropriate check boxes. Next to the column name, enter the number for the order of your column in the view.

    Note: If only one column is included in the feed, the column value alone will appear in the body of items in the feed. If more than one column is included in the feed, the item body will consist of each column name and its value.

    RSS columns

  6. In the Item Limit section, you can limit the number of items and days to include in an RSS feed.

  7. Select OK.

Expose the RSS feed for a view of a list or library

The RSS feed subscription button is hidden on the Edit View page of a list or library. Many users don't have permissions to access this page, and can’t subscribe to the feed for a specific view. A site owner, can expose the link to the RSS feed so that these users can subscribe. This assumes that RSS is turned on for the site and for the list or library.

  1. In the list or library, select Library or List, depending on whether you are in a library or list.

    Note: The name of this tab varies, depending on the type of list or library you’re configuring a feed for. For example, for a calendar list, it’s the Calendar tab.

  2. If you aren’t already looking at the view that you want to expose an RSS feed, select the right view from the Current View drop down list and then select Library or List again.

    Tip: If your Web browser enables you to subscribe to a view, an RSS toolbar button might become enabled at this point (RSS). If so, you might be able to select it to get the URL of the RSS feed for the view. If this feature is not available, then you can follow the steps in the rest of this procedure.

  3. Select Modify View to open the view for editing.

    Note: If Modify this View does not appear on the View menu, you don't have permission to edit the view and can't use this method to expose an RSS feed for the view.

    Modify a view

  4. In the Name section, select the RSS button RSS Image to view the RSS feed subscription page for this view.

  5. Copy the URL for the RSS feed subscription page for the view. You can then post this URL on a page on your site so that contributors to your site can view and subscribe to the RSS feed.

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