Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365 Access 2024 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016

Use this Manage Data Tasks dialog box in Access to view and manage the import and export operations (also known as specifications) that you have created for the current database. When you run either the various import and export wizards, you can save the operation as a specification for future use.

Saved Imports and Saved Exports tabs

To view the Manage Data Tasks dialog in Access click External Data > Saved Imports or External Data > Saved Exports. You can click either of the tabs on the dialog box to switch between the saved import and saved export specifications.

To change the name of the specification, its description, and the path and file name of the source or destination file, do these steps:

  • Edit the specification name by clicking it and then making your change in the text box. Press ENTER to save or ESC to cancel your changes.

  • Edit the path or file name by clicking the string and then making your change in the text box. Press ENTER to save or ESC to cancel your changes.

  • Edit the description by clicking above the path and file name and then making your change in the text box. Press ENTER to save or ESC to cancel your changes.


    • You cannot edit other settings that are saved as part of the specification, such as the name of the worksheet or named range, data types of fields, and the source or destination table.

    • When you choose a different source file for an import specification, ensure that the new file meets all the requirements that are essential for successfully completing the operation.


You can repeat an operation by clicking the specification and then clicking Run. When the operation is complete, you'll see a message that describes the status of the operation.

For more information, see the article Run a saved import or export operation.

Create Outlook Task

To repeat an operation at regular intervals, consider creating a task in Outlook that executes the corresponding specification. You must have Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer or device before you can create an Outlook task. To schedule a task, select the specification and then click Create Outlook Task. Specify the settings you want in the Task window in Outlook and then click Save & Close.

For more information, see the article Schedule an import or export operation.


If you no longer need to perform a specific operation, you can delete the specification. Select the specification and click Delete.

Note: Any changes you make — such as the name of the specification, file name or path settings, or any specifications that you delete — cannot be undone.

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