Insert pictures into a Visio diagram
Applies ToVisio Plan 2 Visio in Microsoft 365 Visio Plan 1 Visio Professional 2024 Visio Standard 2024 Visio Professional 2021 Visio Standard 2021 Visio Professional 2019 Visio Standard 2019 Visio Professional 2016 Visio Standard 2016

You can insert most types of image files into a Visio diagram. They appear as normal pictures but don’t have some features that Visio shapes have, like connection points (although you can still connect them to other shapes by using a connector).

Warning: At this time, there is an image-related issue occurring in the Visio desktop app for Visio Plan 2, Visio 2021, and Visio 2019. Inserting certain enhanced metafiles or charts could cause Visio to stop running abruptly. Opening a Visio file with certain enhanced metafiles or charts could also cause Visio to stop running abruptly. The issue started after February 2022 update. The fix is expected to be in place in the March 2022 update. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can go to File > Options > Advanced and turn on Disable Enhanced Metafile optimizations.


Insert an illustration

Visio Plan 2 supports premium illustrations—a library of stock photos and cutout people, icons, and stickers—that are also available in other Office apps. 

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, select Icons or select Pictures > Stock Images.

  2. Select one or more items from Stock ImagesCutout PeopleIcons, or Stickers.

    Tip: Use the Search box at the top of any collection to find relevant images. Or select a subject-area tag below the Search box to see related images.

  3. Select Insert.

  4. After the image is inserted on the page, select it and drag it to the position you want. 

Insert a picture

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, select Pictures > Pictures or Online Pictures.

    When using pictures or clip art from Bing, you're responsible for respecting copyright, and the license filter in Bing can help you choose which images to use.

  2. Locate the picture you want to insert, click the picture file, and then click Open (if the picture is on your PC) or Insert (if the picture is online).

    Some files that you import into Visio drawings as graphic images appear as metafiles. However, bitmap files, such as .bmp, .jpg, .pcx, and so on, remain bitmaps in the Visio drawing.

See Also

Video: Insert pictures in Visio

Visio for the web help

View, create, and edit a diagram in Visio for the web

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