When creating sites for your organization, you may wonder what kinds of content you want to post, which web parts to use, how to highlight news, and more. Maybe you'd like some inspiration or see the possibilities. Here are several guided walkthroughs that show you examples of sites that use different elements depending on the goal of the site, and how to get started creating them.
You can also check out the SharePoint look book for even more inspiration.
See elements of an example leadership site to inspire you. In this example, the leadership site provides your organization insight into the goals and priorities of the leadership team.
![Enterprise site thumbnail](https://cxcs.microsoft.net/static/public/central/neutral/e2c2d72b-970b-4993-b44a-d4fd6b033d6c/1cc18d061e2bea68da07685027f07a21dc9d3210.png)
In this article, we show you how to create a site with an emphasis on news, resources, and personalized content for people in your organization.
![Giving site thumbnail](https://cxcs.microsoft.net/static/public/central/neutral/a1a7d3d6-4b2d-413d-bcb5-128b2707f617/fd451a40f07840fe0eb4081fe95537f44e531bfd.png)
The example Giving site in this article shows how a page with thoughtful design and messaging can inspire the people in your organization to make a difference in the community and the world.
![Team site thumbnail](https://cxcs.microsoft.net/static/public/central/neutral/957266d2-6fc3-4e05-9c64-50b0b3a3927e/a16f02444a99f8afaa59ea8437205c5ebfed5ef0.png)
Use a team site when you want to collaborate with other members of your team or with others on a specific project. Show team status, project highlights, important documents and more.
![News site thumbnail](https://cxcs.microsoft.net/static/public/central/neutral/87d12c9f-a95e-4762-a1bc-b765e299567e/6116cc434e7be7601391747688e52860cec060d6.png)
Setting up news with a hub site
Share news content across your organization in a using a hub site. In this article, we'll show you how to implement a comprehensive strategy for setting up news at all levels of your organization.
![Communication site thumbnail](https://cxcs.microsoft.net/static/public/central/neutral/47fc8e40-9521-42e2-be0a-9e364afb1e90/220791d81fd6228cc4edd97c4cfa7fe99cf63a70.png)
Communication site for company branding guidelines
In this example, we walk through a site that is optimized to communicate strategy and guide employees in how to express your brand.