Upload photos and files to OneDrive
Upload files and folders in OneDrive for work or school
Create files and folders in OneDrive
Create a document from OneDrive for work or school
Add and sync shared folders to OneDrive
Save screenshots to OneDrive automatically
Save photos and videos to OneDrive automatically
File types supported for previewing files in OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams
Find your SharePoint and Teams files in OneDrive for work or school
Move files and folders between OneDrive and SharePoint
Copy files and folders between OneDrive and SharePoint sites
Sort, rename, or move photos and files in OneDrive
Organize and find photos in OneDrive
Download files and folders from OneDrive or SharePoint
Delete files or folders in OneDrive
Need more help?
How to cancel or stop sync in OneDrive
OneDrive stuck on Processing changes
Find lost or missing files in OneDrive
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