Mega menus enable site navigation to be displayed at-a-glance on communication pages and hub sites. This increases the value of a site by engaging your audience in discovering more content than ever before.
Mega menus are ideal for:
Navigation that requires three levels of hierarchy
Increasing the likelihood of resources being discovered
Enabling your audience to engage in using new tools and content
Only administrators and site owners can create a mega menu.
Mega menus cannot be created on team sites.
Change from a cascade menu to a mega menu:
Start by identifying the three levels of hierarchy.
1. Menu item title
2. Menu section title
3. Menu item sub-link
Select Edit from the menu bar.
Arrange the menu topics into three levels of hierarchy:
To Add a new header or sub-link, hover above header labels and select the + icon that will appear.
To Edit, Move, Promote, and Remove select the ellipses next to the menu topic.
Move and Promote headers and sub-links until they are in the desired position and select Save.
Go to site settings and select Change the look.
Select Navigation.
Select Mega menu and then select Save.
Learn more about custom navigation: