Applies ToOutlook for Microsoft 365

Last Updated: February 18, 2025


When you send or reply to an email you get a non-delivery report (NDR) error message. The issue may happen more consistently if the account is in an Outlook Profile with another Exchange account. The issue only affects sending email, receiving email continues to work as expected. 

The NDR error will appear as:

“This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later or contact your network administrator. You do not have the permission to send the message on behalf of the specified user. Error is [0x80070005-0x0004dc-0x000524].”

Outlook undeliverable error


The Outlook Team is investigating this issue.

So far in the investigation we found that this issue occurs if the account you are sending from is in an Outlook profile with an Microsoft 365 account and that account has an Exchange Online mail contact with the same SMTP address. To work around the issue use either option below:

Workaround #1

You can workaround the issue changing the From address each time you send an email. If you rather not do this each time, use the second workaround.

  1. Start a new email.

  2. Select the From drop down, then select Other Email Address…, and From….

  3. Under Address Book:, select Global Address List for the other Microsoft 365 account in your profile, select the email address for the account that is getting the NDR, then select OK, and OK again.

  4. Send the email.

Workaround #2

You can mitigate the issue by hiding that contact from the Microsoft 365 account Global Address List (GAL) by doing the following:

  1. Browse to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and sign in with the Microsoft 365 Admin account.

  2. On the Admin Portal home page navigation, locate Admin Centers, select Show All, and then select Exchange.

  3. On the Exchange Admin Portal home page select Contacts in the navigation.

  4. Locate the contact for the email address that you are getting the NDR and then select it.

  5. On the Mail contact dialog for that contact, locate Manage hide from GAL.

  6. Select Manage hide from GAL and then select the radio button and set Hide from Global AddressList to On and select Save.

  7. For Outlook to pick up this change, go back to your Outlook profile, then select the Inbox of the Microsoft 365 account. On the ribbon select Send/Receive Send/Receive Groups > Download Address Book, then select OK.

  8. To check when Outlook picked up the change, select Home on the Ribbon, then Address Book. Under Address Book: locate your Microsoft 365 account. Select Offline Address Book for your Microsoft 365 account. When you see that the account is no longer showing here, it will stop causing the NDR when sending email.

Once we determine a fix for this issue you can re-enable that contact to show in the GAL using the same steps above.  

Other Workarounds until a fix: 

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Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in classic Outlook for Windows

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