Applies ToProject Online Desktop Client Project Professional 2019 Project Standard 2019 Project Professional 2016 Project Standard 2016 Project Professional 2013 Project Standard 2013 Project 2010 Project Standard 2010 Project 2007 Project Standard 2007

The Baseline0-10 Remaining Tasks fields contain the number of scheduled subtasks that remain to be completed on a given day for a summary task, when the baseline plan was set. If the project summary task is displayed, the Baseline0-10 Remaining Tasks fields show the total number of scheduled tasks and subtasks on a given day for the entire project, when the baseline was set.

Data Type    Number

Entry Type    Calculated

How Calculated    As soon as a baseline is saved, a summary task‘s remaining subtasks are copied into the Baseline Remaining Tasks field (Baseline0 Remaining Tasks through Baseline10 Remaining Tasks).

For the project summary task, the total number of tasks and subtasks in the project are copied into the Baseline Remaining Tasks field (Baseline0 Remaining Tasks through Baseline10 Remaining Tasks). Note: Project includes regular tasks and subtasks in this calculation, but it does not include actual summary tasks (a task that includes subtasks).

Best Uses    Add the Baseline Remaining Tasks field to the timephased portion of the Task Usage view when you want to compare a summary task’s baseline remaining subtasks with its current remaining subtasks.

Example    You set a baseline for your project 3 months ago. Now, you want to compare the number of remaining tasks at that time to how many remaining tasks exist today. You add the Baseline Remaining Tasks field to the timephased portion of the Task Usage view to analyze your progress and performance to date.


  • The Baseline Remaining Tasks field contains no value until you set a baseline for the project. You can set a baseline on the Project tab. This copies the current value for the Remaining Tasks field into the corresponding Baseline Remaining Tasks field.

  • You can turn on the project summary task on the Advanced tab of the Project Options dialog box.

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