Approval flow for modern pages
Applies ToSharePoint in Microsoft 365

Updates to pages might require review before publishing, such as when you are communicating with a large group of people.

Create a page approval flow for a library to add a review process for all new and updated pages. Authors who create or edit a page must submit a request for approval before publishing. After submission, the page shows a status of Pending approval.

Page approval flows provide automation of the review process beyond standard lists and libraries with approval required.

Note:  Document Version History is required for this feature. Enable "Create major and minor (draft) versions" to utilize the Content Approval flow.

Set up page approval

Site owners can set up page approval to add to the standard publishing process for a site. After adding page approval flow, new and updated pages will be not be published directly. Instead, only the completion of the approval flow will make changes visible to all readers of the site.

A site owner can configure page approval flow from the Flow menu of a pages library.

Submit page for approval

Once the page approval is configured, authors will be able to submit page for approval. The page will be published once the page is approved. Rejecting a page will put that page back to draft status. 

Approve page

Approvers will get an email regarding the page approval request. They can either approve the page directly in the email (in clients that support actionable messages) or open the page from the email to review and approve the page in SharePoint.

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