You can use sticky notes and note grids in Whiteboard to brainstorm ideas, plan projects, or organize subjects.

You can insert notes or note grids to organize ideas in Whiteboard.

To add a sticky note or note grid: 

  • Select the Create button in the toolbar, then click Add note or note grid.

  • Choose a note color and then drag thenote icon to the canvas to add the note.

  • Select a note grid if you want to add multiple notes at once. To add more sticky notes to a note grid, select Add Note in the top right.

Select a note grid if you want to add multiple notes at once to a whiteboard.

  • You can also choose a specific area of the canvas, press and hold (on touch devices) or right-click to open the Context menu, and then select the Note button to insert a sticky note.

To edit a note: 

  • To add text to a note, click the note and enter your message when the cursor appears. You can also select the Edit text (pencil) button.

  • To annotate a sticky note with ink, write on top of the sticky note. The ink will then be anchored to the sticky note.

  • Right click on a note and select the Background color picker button to change a note's color.

To copy or delete a note or note grid: 

  • Select a note and select the Copy button to copy it. Press and hold (on touch devices) or right-click on the canvas to open the Context menu, and then select Copy.

  • Click the Delete(del) button to delete a note. You can delete individual notes in a grid or the entire grid.

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